point gas sensors as part of a multi-technology leak detection system
Terje Thorsnes1, Harald Brunstad2, Petter Lågstad3, Shyam Chand1, Aivo Lepland1 and Arnfinn Karlsen3
1 – Geological Survey of Norway; 2 – Lundin Petroleum; 3 – Norwegian Defence Research Establishment
Seabed Mapping and Inspection, Conference in Geilo / Norway, in February 2013
Per Sparrevik, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute
Seabed Mapping and Inspection, Conference in Geilo / Norway, in February 2013
Steven Summerfelt, Jacob Bartlett, Jamie Thompson, and Norman McCowan, 2015
www. benthic.com Australia . Brazil . United States . Singapore
Marit Norli, Richard Bellerby, Emanuele Reggiani, Pierre Jaccard, and Kai Sørensen